Microbiological testing Solutions

Ensuring Safety, Quality, and Compliance Every Step of the Way

In the realm of food production, ensuring the safety and quality of products is paramount. At Microbiological Testing Solutions, we specialize in providing comprehensive food testing services that safeguard public health and uphold the highest standards of quality. Our specialized services encompass everything from microbiological analysis to nutritional labeling, meticulously designed to meet regulatory standards and exceed customer expectations.

Comprehensive Testing

We offer a wide array of testing services to cover all aspects of food safety and quality.

Accurate Results

Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, our tests deliver precise and reliable results that you can trust.


  • Microbiological Analysis: Detect and quantify harmful microorganisms to prevent foodborne illnesses and ensure product safety.
  • Nutritional Labeling: Accurate nutritional labeling to meet regulatory requirements and inform consumers about the health benefits of your products.
  • Contaminant Testing: Identify and mitigate the presence of chemical, physical, and biological contaminants in your food products.